Starter motor
0.7 Kw/12 v
Direction of rotation:
counter clockwise viewed from power take-off side.
The starter motor is highly compact and reliable and therefore rarely gives
any type of problem. In case of troubles,
ensure that the starter motor cable terminal is properly tightened under the n ...
Removal of the timing belt covers
Loosen the screws (4) securing the central external cover (1) and remove it
from the central side.
Undo the fixing screws (4) of the external cover (25) and remove it from the
vertical thermal unit.
Undo the fixing screws (4) of the external cover (3) and remove it from the
horizonta ...
The hands free module
The hands free module incorporates the control unit communicating with the
other nodes on the motorcycle, the on/off
button, the microswitches detecting full lock steering angle (for enabling
steering lock engagement) and the steering lock.
The module is sealed and its individu ...