Rear-view mirrors
Rear-view mirror
Spring washer
Spare parts catalogue
Diavel abs handlebar and controls
Diavel carbon
handlebar and controls
Bold reference numbers in this section identify parts not shown in the
figures alongside the text, but which can be found in
Exhaust by-pass valve not working correctly
Fault codes
Dds: exvl diagnosis -> position error, potentiometer, short circuit to ground
or open circuit (s.C. Gnd or c.O.),
Potentiometer short circuited to vdc (potentiometer s.C vdc).
Dashboard: the error "exvl" (exhaust bypass valve) is shown on the service
display. The eobd warning ...
Checking valve lift
Set the engine to the configuration described for the "checking and adjusting
the valve clearances", previously indicated.
Position the tool 88765.1518 On the cylinder head: the part marked "a" should be
on the intake side and the part
marked "s" should be on the exhaust side.
Seat the pl ...