Undo the three stator retaining screws (25) and the two retaining screws (9) of the two cable grommet bracket (10) from inside the generator cover.
Remove the stator (2) and the cable grommet bracket (10).
The generator-side crankcase cover is fitted with a bearing (27), held in place by circlip (23), which is located on the end of the crankshaft.
Remove the circlip (23) with circlip pliers.
Remove the bearing (27) using a universal puller.
Be careful when fitting the new bearing (27) to ensure it is positioned with the shielded side facing away from the cover.
Secure the bearing with the circlip (23), ensuring that it is correctly fitted in its seat in the generator cover (13).
Remove the water pump components as described in sect. 9 - 3.3, Removal of the water pump.
Overall dimensions (mm)
Weight in running order without fluids and battery: 210 kg.
Carrying full load: 400 kg.
failure to observe weight limits could result in poor
handling and impair the performance of your motorcycle, and
you may lose control of the vehicle.
Do not use addi ...
Removal of the licence plate holder
Disconnect connector (5) of the number plate holder wiring from the main one.
Release the number plate holder light cable from the ties and the cable grommets
as indicated in sect- 7 - 6, flexible
wiring/hoses positioning, since the cable is together with the rear abs sensor
The hands free module
The hands free module incorporates the control unit communicating with the
other nodes on the motorcycle, the on/off
button, the microswitches detecting full lock steering angle (for enabling
steering lock engagement) and the steering lock.
The module is sealed and its individu ...