Check the colour of the ceramic insulation around the central electrode: an even, light brown colour indicates the engine is in good condition and running at the right temperature.
Inspect the centre electrode for wear and check spark plug gap, which should be: 0.8+/-0.1 Mm.
Check the gap between the central and side electrodes. Replace the spark plug if taken value is different from the specified one or the spark plug shows clear signs of carbon settling.
Do not use spark plugs with inadequate thermal rating or incorrect thread length.
The spark plug must be securely installed.
If a spark plug is loose, it can overheat and damage the engine.
Spark plug type
Make: ngk
Type: mar9a-j
Remove the coil-spark plugs wires (1), loosening the screws (2) of both spark plugs.
Using the appropriate tool 88713.2877 To replace the spark plugs.
Place the coil-spark plugs wires (1) in the relevant seats and tighten the screws (2) to a torque of 10 nm (min. 9 Nm - max. 11 Nm) (sect. 3 - 3, Engine torque settings).
Refitting the timing belt driveshaft pulleys
To fit the circlip (10) in the driveshaft seat, use the tool code 88713.2834.
Install the inner spacer (17) on the driveshaft, taking care to align the
notch in the spacer with the slot for the woodruff
Fit the first woodruff key (16) on the timing belt driveshaft.
Locate the ...
The immobilizer system
For additional antitheft protection, the motorcycle is
equipped with an immobilizer, an electronic system that
locks the engine automatically whenever the ignition switch
is turned off.
The grip of each ignition key contains an electronic device
that modulates the output signal from a special ...
Maintenance indicator
This function indicates that the vehicle is about to or has
travelled a distance for which an authorised ducati service
centre should be contacted to have the general maintenance
or oil change performed.
Maintenance table
First warning - oil service 1000 km
The first warning is activated a ...