88713.1072 Drift to install half bearing in bottom yoke
88713.2562 Chain assembly tool
88713.1058 Wrench for steering shaft nut
88713.1062 Tool for installing steering head bearings
88713.2951 Rear wheel balancing tool
88713.3211 Wrench for adjustment of the eccentric hub
88713.3204 Marzocchi fork service tool - sealing ring fitting
88713.3203 Pull bar for marzocchi fork service
88713.1074 Swingarm pivot bolt removal tool
88713.1068 Drift for installing the swingarm needle roller bearings
88713.2409 Swingarm ball bearing installation tool
88713.3526 Frame plates assembling wrench
88713.3396 Engine repair bench
8000.70139 Front wheel shaft wrench
88713.1515 Engine/frame support
Spare parts catalogue
Diavel abs dds tester
Diavel abs workshop service tools
Diavel carbon abs dds tester
Diavel carbon Abs workshop service tools
Removal of the gearbox assembly
Withdraw the selector fork shafts (30).
Move the forks (28) and (29) to disengage them from the slots in the selector
drum (14).
Withdraw the selector drum (16) taking care not to lose shims (31) and (27)
mounted on the shaft. Note that the
positions of the shims must not be inverte ...
Fuel system circuit
The fuel system circuit consists of:
An electric pump, driven by the injection relay, which is in turn
controlled by the ecu (engine control unit)
A fuel filter
A pressure regulator
Two injectors (one per cylinder, located downstream of throttle valve)
The plastic mounting shown in t ...
Renewal of the cooling fan
Loosen the electro-fan retaining screws (15) and (17) and remove the
electro-fan (18) from the radiator.
Carry out the same procedure for the other radiator's electro-fan.
On refitting, position the coolant radiator fan (18) as shown on the fan support
(16), so that the three fan holes mat ...