List of operations to be performed every 12000 km / year (first limit reached) |
Reading of the error memory with dds on the engine control units, vehicle and abs |
Change the engine oil |
Change the engine oil filter |
Check and/or adjust valve clearance (only every 24000 km) |
Replace the timing belts (only every 24000 km/60 months) |
Replace the spark plugs (only every 24000 km) |
Replace the air filter (only every 24000 km) |
Replace the front fork oil (only every 24000 km) |
Replace the coolant (only every 24000 km) |
Check the indicators and lighting |
Check the safety devices (side stand switch, clutch lever switch, right switch engine stop switch and gear position sensor) |
Check the battery charge level |
Checking the coolant level |
Check the brake and clutch fluid levels |
Check brake discs and pad wear. |
Check tyre pressure and wear |
Check the drive chain tension and lubrication |
Check final drive wear |
Check and lubricate the rear wheel shaft (only every 24000 km) |
List of operations to be performed every 12000 km / year (first limit reached) |
Check the freedom of movement of the side and central stand (if installed) |
Check the tightening of the safety components (ex. Wheel disc nuts, brake callipers, sprocket tightening) |
Check rubbing points, clearance and freedom of movement of the flexible cables and electric wiring in view |
Road test of the motorcycle, testing the safety devices (ex. Abs) |
Fill out that the service was performed in the warranty certificate |
Operations to be carried out by the customer
List of operations to be performed every 1000 km |
Check the level of the engine oil |
Adjust chain tension |
Passenger grabhandle
Passenger grabhandle (1, fig. 107) Is located inside the tail
guard; to take it out, remove the seat (see "removal of the
seat" on page 119), pull the knob (2, fig. 107) While taking out
the grabhandle (1, fig. 107) From its housing until it is fully
Before use, pu ...
This emission control system warranty shall not cover any
of the following:
Repair or replacement required as a result of
Repairs improperly performed or replacements improperly
Use of replacement parts or accessories not conforming
to ducati specifi ...
Steering lock on indication
This function informs that the steering lock was turned on.
The steering lock can be turned on during the first 60
seconds after turning off the vehicle by pressing down on the
"run" button.
If the steering lock was enabled correctly, the instrument
panel will show the indication ...