This function shows the average speed of the motorcycle.
The calculation is made considering the distance and time travelled since the last trip 1 reset. When trip 1 is reset, the value is set to zero and the first available value is shown on the display 10 seconds after the reset. Dashes "- -.-" Are shown on the display during the first 10 seconds when the value is not yet available.
The active calculation phase occurs when the engine is running and the vehicle is stopped (moments when the vehicle is not moving and the engine is off are not considered).
The calculated value is displayed increased by 5% to align it with the vehicle indicated speed.
It is possible to change the units of measurement of "speed" (and "distance travelled") from km/h (and km) to mph (and miles) through the "units of measurement modification function" function of the setting menu.
Adjusting the position of the gearchange and rear brake
The position of the gearchange and rear brake pedals in
relation to the footrests can be adjusted to suit the
requirements of the rider.
Adjust the pedals as follows:
Gear change pedal (fig. 97)
Hold the linkage (1) and slacken the lock nuts (2) and (3).
Nut (2) has a left-hand thr ...
Tips on how to select the sensitivity level
The 8 level settings of the dtc were calibrated using tyres of the
same make, model and size as those originally fitted to
the motorcycle.
The use of tyres of different size to the original tyres may alter the operating
characteristics of the system.
In the case of minor differen ...
Adjusting the throttle cable
The throttle grip in all steering positions must have free play, measured on
the periphery of the flange of the grip, of 1.5 -
2.0 Mm.
If necessary, adjust using the adjusters (1) and (2) located on the steering
tube on the right side of the motorcycle.
Adjuster (1) adjusts the throttle o ...